Assessing Your Risk: How Immunocompromised Status Impacts COVID-19 Symptoms, Morbidity

Assessing Your Risk: How Immunocompromised Status Impacts COVID-19 Symptoms, Morbidity

Being immunocompromised impacts individuals fighting any kind of infection or virus, including coronavirus. The state of being immunocompromised is generally having a weakened immune system that reduces the ability to fight off disease or infection. These individuals are of most concern in terms of the global coronavirus pandemic and higher morbidity from COVID-19.

Having a diagnosed condition such as hypertension or Diabetes is generally a good indicator of a higher immune-compromised status. However, ill-defined conditionsthose that are not well defined but generally affect your overall feelings of wellnesslead as the most common diagnosis in chronic conditions, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Dr. Thomas Lewis, medical scientist from Health Revival Partners and co-founder of Good Medicine Choice Network, says maintaining strong immunohealth is important to fighting and avoiding any illness. Dr. Lewis has dedicated his life’s work to determining how to better predict Alzheimer’s and chronic diseases in general.

Watch the Podcast “Coronavirus: Are You immunocompromised and how can you maintain strong immunohealth?”

Dr. Lewis provides assessments of chronic state of health and health risks. The assessment tests for 20 risk biomarkers as a baseline to measure interventions to reduce inflammation, improve chronic disease risk and affect an improvement in immunohealth status.

Take your immunocompromised status assessment.

“You need a strong immune system to fight the SARS-CoV-2 virus,” he said. “Many common prescription medications ‘manage’ disease symptoms, but most drugs used to manage symptoms of chronic conditions do so by suppressing your immune response.”

Aangiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, or ACEIs, used to treat hypertension and other coronary conditions have been reported to modify the adaptive immune response, suggesting that long-term use of ACEIs might suppress the adaptive immune response, which is a key defense against viral infections.

“If you are able to alleviate the factors that play into poor health and chronic health conditions, you not only feel better and require less in terms of health care expense but you are less vulnerable to severe disease like COVID-19,” Dr. Lewis added.

Evidence Linking ACE Inhibitors to Severe COVID-19 Symptoms

The incidence of hypertension is noticeably high in patients with COVID-19. Researchers at Louisiana State University Health and New Orleans School of Public Health proposed ACE inhibitors may be a primary driver of severe symptoms seen in some people diagnosed with Covid-19. The LSU-New Orleans findings were based on a study of 1,099 patients in China from December-January 2020 and was published in the Journal of Travel Medicine. Of the infected patients, 173 had severe disease, in whom the most common comorbidities were hypertension (24%), diabetes (16%), coronary heart disease (6%), and cerebrovascular disease (2%). The concerns about the connection between COVID-19 severity and medications commonly used to treat hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease also have been raised in The Lancent.

Much like in the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) outbreak in 2003, the new SARS-CoV-2, drugs commonly used to manage cardiovascular disease, including ACEIs and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) can increase the virus’s ability to bind to receptors in the lower respiratory tracts of patients. Those receptors, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 or ACE2, allow coronavirus to attach to and infect cells. A protease, TMPRSS2, is also required to prime the virus for cellular entry.

Already, there is current research on an ACE2 Receptor Blocker at Clinicaltrials.gov and a blocker of TMPRSS2 has been approved for human use in Japan.

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